A merry go round of sentiments

for hand coding round robin march 2020

I too am so glad we are all here on the internet together I see a ""class"" that's together. A group of people all trying to findn commonalities in a space that does and doesn't exist like the virtual folder. The courage to stretch out our fingers on a keyboard in hopes to hold hands with multiple people during a time where distance and touch is a fear brings comfort and hope. Through our words we can find meaning, through our actions we cann find proof. Proof that optimisim does have a place in now. Let's welcome optmisim into eachothers lives so we can find..

When will feel free to welcome others into our homes again? It is a tradition that links human kind through time, across generations. Of course I also wonder when we will feel comfortable going to a concert or dancing in the street together. Rubbing up against strangers. But just saying of course she can come over or are you ok? do you need a place to stay? and come over for dinner. come up for brunch. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease come over! I miss you!

ps://cdn.family meal glitch.com/18f0571b-497e-492d-a817-8ba9511e286b%2Feeea5b1a-d810-4d8b-90ca-e782d81d8bfc.image.png?v=1585509017149